Error message

Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property alpha_theme_container::$delta is deprecated in alpha_theme_container->__construct() (line 25 of sites/all/themes/omega/alpha/includes/

Injector Codes - programming

Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 16:45

Time for some gratuitous video....

This is basically a test GUI for Injector programming code I've been working on over the last month.

My code had been put on the back burner when I realised I needed access to Rovacom, Nanocom and a tool made by Omitec (Britpart Lynx or Hawkeye) to get enough points of reference to be confident of correct handling.

Fortunately Nicky @ Rovertech has access to all three and was kind enough to send me pics of how all three devices handled two specific test cases.

The main things happening in the video are:

  • injector codes being read from an NNN ECU running an 15P/EU3 map
  • codes validated and highlighted in red if incorrect on enter/return
  • codes converted to numeric using A =0 for 10P, M=8 and U=0 for 15P.
  • codes programmed when "Update" pressed
  • codes read from ECU after update and used to refresh display

U=0 is a made-up "uncoded" code reflecting the fact that 0 is the default state for new ECU's and a substitute value for corrupted idle codes. I think explicitly flagging this is more informative than leaving the code blank as the Hawkeye does.

Obviously there needs to be some kind of feedback that the codes have been programmed...