Error message

Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property alpha_theme_container::$delta is deprecated in alpha_theme_container->__construct() (line 25 of sites/all/themes/omega/alpha/includes/

Further adventures in Td5 Map Programming

Sunday, June 18, 2023 - 17:15

There has been a bit of progress since the last post.

The module videos don't really give a good sense of how the app works, so this time I've tried to give some idea of how things are bolted together.

The "Map Tools" section of the app deals with ECU firmware. The flow through the modules in this section is input -> information -> output.

Input options are: - Map Finder: new firmware from database - Open File: read firmware from file (Nanocom .map, 16kb bin, 256kb bin, 256kb Kess bin, MEMS3 Flasher Map and Firmware formats) - Read from ECU

Output options are: - Write file: write to any of the above formats. - Write ECU: map programming.

This allows the app to work as a "map wizard", file format convertor and programmer.

The video shows the Map Finder's option to display maps that suit the connected ECU.

The programming module defaults to programming the tune only if the variant code already exists on the ECU. In these cases "Overwrite Variant" gives the option to program the variant

As a bonus there is a quick tour of the Injector programming module. There isn't much to see - it edits and programs codes.

The app is currently running on macOS and Windows 10+.

I'm having some issues with PyInstaller built .exe files being identified as malware. These are false positives and its a known issue which seems to require an expensive code-signing signature to solve.
