Error message

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Tuner Pro

Tuner Pro: odds and ends

Wednesday, March 3, 2021 - 21:30

MEMS Checksum plugin

To verify the plugin is correctly installed:

  • open the XDF Header [ XDF >> View/Edit XDF Header Info ].
  • click the Checksum tab.
  • select one of the MEMS checksum, then "Edit Selected".

If the plugin is installed you'll see "Td5 MEMS Checksum Plug-In" as shown below.

If the plugin is present and configured the MEMS checksums will be updated on save.

Note that two verification words are set to 0xFFFF during save to enable secure programming. Please be aware that once the map is saved in this way edits done in other apps will corrupt the MEMS checksums. You'll need to correct them by resaving in TP with the plugin enabled or use something like the MEMS Flasher to upload.

And if you want or need to revert to "classic" behaviour delete the two MEMS checksums from this tab.

"Brick Proof" programming tool update

Saturday, August 1, 2020 - 17:30

As I posted previously, I've been working on a tool to enable "brick proof" programming with the Nanocom.

To quickly recap the NNN ECU's have internal protection against failed uploads.

This relies to two things:

  • the checksum for variant and fuel maps have to be correct
  • two verification words need to be set to 0xFFFF.

When the verification routine is run after programming the ECU verifies the checksum(s). If the checksum is correct the ECU programs the verification words in both maps to a preset value.

When the ECU boots it checks that the verification words are programmed. If they are present and contain the correct value the ECU assumes the maps are correctly programmed and boots. If either of the verification words are not correct the ECU drops into programming mode and you can connect to the ECU with a programming tool.

While I've seen a one or two .maps with what look like corrected checksums, all have the verification words set to the "successfully programmed" value. This means if the upload fails the ECU reads these values and proceeds as if the ECU has been correctly programmed. If the upload fails at any time after the fuel map verification word has been programmed you are guaranteed a bricked ECU.

Fortunately the Nanocom runs the verification routine after each part of the ,map is programmed.

To take advantage of the "brick proof" programming all we need to do is update the checksums and set the verification words to 0xFFFF.

Td5 MEMS Checksum plugin

After a bit of messing around I've ended up porting my Python checksum code across to a Tuner Pro plugin.

This was fairly quick, although I wasted most of today messing around trying to work out why the variant checksum wasn't correct. I finally created a fresh map from Nanocom map wizard and the checksum calculated perfectly.

I use the ability to calculate the factory checksum using an unmodified map as the benchmark for testing. My theory is if I can recreate the factory checksums from scratch I'm doing ok.

Checksum Plugin UI

Most of the configuration is embedded into the plug-in and the only additional setup required is the data start and end addresses.
This has primarily been done to allow the XDF's to support "weird" formats like the MEMS3 Flasher dumps.

I've tested the plugin on Windows 10 and XP and seems to work on both.

The current XDFs for Nanocom .map formats come with the plugin preconfigured.

A (very) quick guide to Tuner Pro setup

Monday, July 6, 2020 - 17:15

The Donor XDF's take most of the grunt work out out of setting up Tuner Pro for editing Td5 map files. However after a query from a new donor I've realised that I've been assuming people will just figure it out in the end.

To remedy that I'm planning on making a few posts on which cover getting up and running with the XDF's. This first post looks at getting a .map, XDF and "compare bin" loaded into Tuner Pro.

Keep a clean copy to use as a master .map

It is a good idea to treat the .map files supplied with the XDF's as master copies which you don't edit.
Make a copy of the "master" .map and work from that instead.

Loading .maps

Load .map files using File >> Open Bin.
Change the "Files of type" pull down to "All Files" to see and load .map files.

If the version of the tune is not obvious from the file name, the best way to check is by using the built in hex editor.
This can be found under Tools >> Advanced >> Hex Editor. With the Hex Editor open scroll down to offset 0x19010. You should see the tune and variant identifiers in the ascii view at the right of the editor.

In this example the tune identifier is svdxr007. img

The XDF names reflect the tune they are intended to edit so the tune identifier will give you sufficient information to select the correct one for the current .map.

Load the appropriate XDF

With the tune identified its fairly straight forward to load the appropriate XDF from XDF >> Select XDF. Navigate to where you have the donor XDF saved and pick the XDF with same tune identifier as the map you are editing.

Load a Compare Bin

Compare bins are the main reason you need an unmodified copy of the .map or .bin you are editing. From the Compare >> Load Compare Bins menu item load an unmodified copy of .map into the first slot by clicking "browse".


Tick enable to make this compare bin active.

Table Listings

There are a few ways to view listings of defined parameters.

Parameter Ordered List

The default is the "Parameter Ordered List".
This seems to be a favourite of those who have used "Td5 Map Editor" in the past.


Parameter Category

The alternative way of listing tables is the "Parameter Category" view.
Each defined table is assigned to one or more categories based on function. The main demand related tables are all organised under the collective title of "System Demand", with driver demand, torque limiters and smoke limiter maps organised into sub-categories.

The result is that tables are arranged into functional groups which - in my view - makes it easier to access the tables.


Donor XDFs v3.0

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 - 14:15

This was originally planned as an v2.2 update to the Donor XDFs. I decided the change of filenames and change to 1.60 XDF spec required a bump to 3.0.

XDF naming convention

The naming of previous versions of the XDF’s included both fuel map and variant identifiers.

When there are two variants with the same fuel map the only difference in the fuel map is the name of the variant in fuel map header. For editing purposes this means the required XDF is identical.

To eliminate this duplication the v3.0 XDF’s drop the variant name.

Valid Gear Ratio

The ECU uses engine speed and road speed to determine the currently gear selected.

Manual maps specifically check that the current gear ratio is within +/- 12% of the value defined in the Valid Gear Ratio scalars. If the calculated ratio is outside this range Cruise Control is disabled.

This appears to be the root cause of Cruise Control not functioning on manuals when transfer case ratio swap and tyre sizes are changed by a significant amount.

Fortunately it’s pretty straightforward to determine the value required using the formula:

$$\frac{RoadSpeed \times 1000}{RPM} = gearRatio$$

Verification of formula

To validate the scalar values we can estimate the road speed using the RAVE specifications for top gear, high range in a D2 Td5 Manual.

First calculate the rolling circumference for a 235/70 16 stock wheel.

Section Height: $$235 \times .70 = 164.5mm$$

Rim diameter: $$16 \times 25.4 = 406.5mm$$

Rolling circumference: $$164.5 \times 2 + 406.5 \times \pi = 2310mm = 2.310m$$

Then calculate the speed at 2000rpm.

Speed from gear and rpm: $$\frac{RPM}{(GearRatio \times TransferRatio \times FinalRatio)}\times RollingCirc\times \frac{60}{1000} = speed kph$$

Discovery 2 Td5 Manual, stock top gear: $$\frac{2000}{0.770 \times 1.211 \times 3.538} \times 2.310 \times 0.06 = 84.02kph$$

Based on the estimated road speed of 84kph at 2000rpm, we can now calculate the kph/rpm value.

Gear ratio kph/rpm: $$\frac{84.02 \times 1000}{2000} = 42.01$$

The scalar value used in the stock map for 5th gear is 40.50.

So there seems to be variation between scalar and calculated ratio in each gear:

Gear Calc GR Stock GR Error
1st 8.76 8.00 +9.50%
2nd 15.17 14.10 +7.58%
3rd 23.16 22.00 +5.27%
4th 32.35 30.60 +5.72%
5th 42.01 40.50 +3.70%

I'm not entirely sure of the reason for this discrepancy but keep in mind that the gear ratio has a +/-12% tolerance.

I personally wouldn't calculate these values from ratios and tyre dimensions for real world use. The easiest way to find the correct ratio will be to make a note of RPM and road speed in the gears where you use cruise control.

Ratio0 is reverse, Ratio5 is 5th gear.


The MAF and AAP patchers are included in the release.

The AAP patcher has been updated to avoid the previous situation where a stock EU3 map would show as "patched". In this version the standard map always displays as "unpatched".
So for 10P maps the 3 wire AAP setting is "unpatched", and on 15P maps the 4 wire AAP setting is "unpatched".

Applying patches is not entirely obvious:

  • click the "Apply Patch" button
  • click the "Apply" button at the bottom the dialog
  • save the map file from the file menu or save icon

The patches contain the original base data so map can be restored to original settings.

15P Limiters

There are two new limiters for the EU3/15P maps.

I suspect one or both of these are causing problems for most people running big tunes and/or high boost.
These will need posts to explain what the limiters are doing and what you need to consider before touching them. I'll try to get these done over the coming couple of weeks.

Other stuff

Because this release is built on some significant changes - moving from MATLAB and CSV, to Python and SQLite 3 - there is potential for errors to have crept in. I've spent a fair bit of time trying to ensure there is nothing obvious.

However after working on the code and data for the last week I'm sure I have missed obvious things.

Please let me know if you find any issues and I'll rectify for the next update.

XDF updates update

Monday, September 2, 2019 - 14:15

XDF status update

Added scalar editors for:
- Boost scalars (in previous xdfs)
- WGM scalars (in previous xdfs)
- MAF voltage limits (new)
- Gearbox valid ratios (new - should solve CC issues on a Manual Td5 with TC ratio swap )
- EU3 temperature guess (new - informational for turbo speed estimation)

I'm currently working on adding the MAF and AAP patches to the new XDF builder. If all goes to plan I'm hoping to get the v2.2 update on the site in next couple of days.

end update

I've put in some dedicated effort on the XDF builder over the last couple of days and there has been a fair bit of progress.

The work has been mainly to do with the way the XDFs are built - but there should be some visible improvements in the XDFs as a result.


Things that have been improved include the consistency of axis naming and formatting.
The axis naming on graphs has been reduced to units only. Full naming of the axes now appears in the parameter comments panel and floating tips when you hover over the table name in the side bar.

Category tagging of the tables was added over the last couple of days and I got that working correctly today.

The main outstanding task now is adding the code to insert scalar editors. I still need to add in the MAF and AAP patches but that is lower priority at the moment.

There will be a few additional tables defined but the focus is on getting the main limiters defined for the EU3.

On the MSB front there will be separate XDF's for the second map. The previous strategy was based on the mistaken assumption the two maps had the same basic layout, which wasn't the case. I'm sure this good news for some of the donors who work with the MSB ROW maps.

Update (4 Sept 2019)

The core code for the Scalar editors is getting close to done but in the process I've found a bug with Tuner Pro that messes with the units when min and max values are set.

For the ADC min and max the range needs to be limited to a range of -1 to 1024. The bug causes the editor to start at zero, increase in value to 32767, then flip to -32767 and increase to -1 at the right end of the scale. This has been reported to Mark (TunerPro developer) so there will hopefully be a bug fix by the time the XDF's are ready.

The editors are showing a few of the minor changes that are coming. Sensor settings are now consolidated into physical units - MAP/IAT and AAT/AAP, FT and ECT.

Parameter editors have been include for IAT, AAT, FT and ECT. These new parameter editors are (imo) of very limited practical use so are mainly for informational purposes. I guess there are possibly situations where an alternative AAP/AAT sensor might be required/desired so this will allow for reconfiguration.

Scalar Editors

The ECT/FT editors expose a difference between MSB and NNN ECU's.
On MSB ECU's these sensors have separate ADC inputs.
The NNN multiplexes these two sensors to a single ADC input "mux". This means there is a single MUX scalar editor and changes impact both FT and ECT sensors.

MSB XDF updates

Saturday, April 27, 2019 - 22:15

I've uploaded a long overdue update to the MSB XDF's which bring them into line with the EU2 NNN versions.

The archive now includes additional D2 Auto XDF's (MSB101260, MSB101261 and MSB101350).
Thanks to Nicky at Rovertech providing bins for these ECUs.

Currently these XDF are only correct for the first map in the .bin.
The layout of second map is usually sufficiently different to require a different XDF.
I'll look at including definitions for the second map in a future release.

Donors can access the archive after logging in.

XDF progress update

Monday, November 5, 2018 - 11:30

Current Status

I'm currently working on new method for generating XDF's which is providing a chance to streamline the process.

One issue that has been bothering me is that significant portion of the NNN XDF's are redundant. This occurs because the XDF's are currently created based on the variant-fuel map pairs in each .map file.

The reality is that the only difference between the fuel maps in for example and is the number of the variant map in the fuel map. The fuel map checksum also changes by the difference between the variant map version numbers.

Neither of these differences have any impact on how the XDF defines the tables and constants within the fuel .map. A small number of NNN EU2 maps have additional differences in 5-6 constant values but again the structure of the fuel map is the same, so one XDF definition can edit both versions.

So the upshot is that the next release of the XDF's will be based on the fuel map identifier only, and this will reduce the number of NNN XDF by about 30-40%.

XDF auto loading

Tuner Pro has the ability to auto load XDF's when a .bin / .map is loaded. Unfortunately this must be manually configured but it saves a bit of messing around once it's configured. It's usable with current versions of the XDFs but will make more sense when the XDFs are consolidated.

The auto loading is configured under Tools > Preferences > Default XDFs by selecting enable default definitions.

XDF auto load

These are the offsets for the current NNN XDFs.

Map Offset ID Byte
svlne004-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0x8f
swdxe007-swtnp004 0x1cfe6 0x9b
swdxr004-swtnp004 0x1cfe6 0xdf
swdxr004-swtnp006 0x1cfe6 0xdf
swdxe007-swtnp006 0x1cfe6 0x9b
sthdr009-sttdp009 0x1ba26 0x3d
suhde036-sutdp014 0x1ba26 0x44
swdxr002-swtnp004 0x1cfe6 0xb8
svdxe008-svtnp006 0x1cfe6 0x30
suhdr009-sutzp005 0x1ba26 0x3f
svdxe008-svtnp005 0x1cfe6 0x30
suhde036-sutdp012 0x1ba26 0x44
suhdr009-sutzp004 0x1ba26 0x3f
svloe005-svtnp005 0x1cfe6 0xca
svloj002-svtnp006 0x1cfe6 0xbd
svdxe004-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0xe6
svloe004-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0xd1
svdxe003-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0xad
sthle022-sttlp010 0x1b98e 0xee
swdxk001-swtnp004 0x1cfe6 0x33
svloe005-svtnp006 0x1cfe6 0xca
svdxr007-svtnp005 0x1cfe6 0x51
sthde021-sttdp010 0x1ba26 0xa1
svloe002-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0x8b
svdxr007-svtnp006 0x1cfe6 0x51
svloj002-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0xbd
svlor005-svtnp005 0x1cfe6 0x9
svlor004-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0xf
sthde021-sttdp009 0x1ba26 0xa2
svlor002-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0x10
svdxr005-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0x4d
svdxr002-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0x4e
swdxk003-swtnp006 0x1cfe6 0x86
svdxe006-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0x2c
sthle022-sttlp009 0x1b98e 0xef
svdxg003-svtnp006 0x1cfe6 0x7b
swdxk003-swtnp004 0x1cfe6 0x86
surdk004-sutzp004 0x1ba26 0x3b
svlnr004-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0x16
svlnr005-svtnp005 0x1cfe6 0xff
swdxe004-swtnp004 0x1cfe6 0x5a
surdk004-sutzp005 0x1ba26 0x3b
svlnr005-svtnp006 0x1cfe6 0xff
svlne006-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0xd5
sthdr009-sttdp010 0x1ba26 0x3c
svlne007-svtnp005 0x1cfe6 0xbb
svlnr002-svtnp003 0x1cfe6 0x18
svlne007-svtnp006 0x1cfe6 0xbb

Tuner Pro XDF's

Tuesday, August 22, 2017 - 16:00

The donor-ware XDF's for NNN ECU's had a bit of a version bump today...

Note: These XDF's and all future updates are available anyone who supports the site with a donation of $5.00 USD or more.

These are changes I could remember:

Version 2.0 20170822
- Add SOI maps
- Add Smoke compensation maps
Note that EU3 maps use an adjust map and scaling map pair.
The scaling map is a multiplier so if there is 0 in the scaling map the adjust output is 0.
It's going to take me a bit of time to document so please be patient.
Information will be posted when it is ready.
- Add Air Conditioning load map
- Add Auto Torque Reduction IQ map
- Add Auto Engine Torque map
- Alter scalar naming
- Add Waste Gate Modulator control maps and scalars
- Add "hidden" Injector Idle Response map to EU2 XDFs
- other stuff...

There were a few tweaks to improve axis scaling, and descriptions added...
As always the XDF's are a work in progress.

Tuner Pro Update

Mark Mansur has just uploaded a new version of Tuner Pro which fixes a bug introduced in the previous version.
The bug prevented the patches included in the Td5 XDF's from applying.
You can download the new version from the Tuner Pro Download Page.

Header editing in Tuner Pro

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 - 13:45

Update I've added a short video giving a run through on adding a column header editor to a table.

A few people have asked how to edit headers for map tables, so this is quick how-to on setting up header edit maps.

The screen shots are for a EU2 map, so don't assume that the values in the screen shots will work for you - they most likely won't.

  1. Open up the smoke map definition (right click / F2) and noted the Address, Data Size and Number of Columns under the Columns tab.

Find column details

  1. Add a new table (right click, Insert new XDF parameter), On the general tab add a name, the address from the columns tab of the original map and the data size.

New Table - General Tab

  1. Add the number of columns under the columns tab.

 Columns Tab

And save.

This will give you a “table” which looks like this...

 Completed header editor

You can now edit the header values in the cells of the new table.

This video gives a quick run through of the process, and should hopefully fill in any gaps.

Using an XDF with Td5 engine maps...

Thursday, March 2, 2017 - 06:45

There are a couple of little tricks to loading up the Tuner Pro defintions so thought I'd make a quick post on the procedure.
You'll have to excuse the "retro" Win XP look n feel. I'm running a Windows virtual machine under macOS and XP does the job without too much bloat.

1. Open a file to edit.

Use File >> Open Bin to open the file to edit.
For nanocom .map file select "All Files" as the file type.

Open dialog

2. Open the XDF

Use XDF >> Select XDF to open the appropriate XDF file.

Open XDF

3. Add Compare Bin

Use Compare >> Load Compare Bins... to load one or more compare bins.

Load compare bins

With a compare bin loaded you can use the "Show compare difference" and "Show compare bin data".

  • Using a random mod to illustrate, select a range of cells and multiply by 1.05
    Random mod

  • Clicking the "Scales" icon gives "Show compare bin data" - table values from the Compare Bin.
    compare bin data

  • With "Show compare bin data" on, clicking "Show compare difference" shows the difference between the map being edited and the compare bin.
    compare difference

If you find yourself having to load the same base file and xdf every time you start Tuner Pro, go into Tools >> Preferences and under the "Genera"l tab enable the two options to load the last used file at startup.


I'm offering what I describe as a "basic" XDF as donor-ware. These have a bit more detail on tables than Td5MapEditor, have some unit converted to more human friendly representations, and allow direct editing on MAP and Boost limits using the GUI.
The "deal" is anyone who makes a donation will receive an XDF of their choice. How much you donate is entirely up to you.
